Our history is intertwined with the history of Auckland.


Auckland Choral, Auckland’s only symphonic choir, is as vibrant and dynamic as ever! Founded in 1855, Auckland Choral stands as a testament to New Zealand’s rich musical tradition, having played an integral role in the nation’s cultural landscape for over 150 years. The choir is well known for its annual performances of Handel’s Messiah, a tradition dating back to 1857 when they gave what is believed to have been the first performance of the oratorio in Australasia. Over the years the society has evolved, adapting to changing tastes and societal shifts. Today, it continues to enchant audiences with its renditions of traditional and contemporary works, giving particular attention to those by New Zealand composers, demonstrating the enduring power of choral music to unite, inspire, and enrich the lives of countless New Zealanders.

Under their Music Director, Professor Uwe Grodd, Auckland Choral is going from strength to strength. Its members, wide-ranging in age, work intensely at rehearsals and are passionately committed to the music they sing. Bringing a unique blend of artistic excellence, professional polish and community spirit to their performances, they are proud to be part of a choir that continues to play such a significant role in Auckland’s arts scene.

Read more about Auckland Choral on Wikipedia.


Trailer to the documentary ‘100 Hallelujahs’, 2019

100 Hallelujahs – Auckland Choral Documentary

Click below to watch the full documentary about Auckland Choral’s 100th consecutive performance of Handel’s Messiah.

Our vision

A choral society that is proudly supported by Aucklanders as a world-class organisation, providing artistically excellent performances.

Our goal is to

  • help to make Auckland culturally rich and creative

  • Grow artistic excellence

  • Strengthen and sustain our organization

  • Grow and engage our audiences

  • Contribute to the overall economic benefit of Auckland

Auckland Choral

Patron Rt Hon Helen Clark

President David Hamilton

Life Members Mr I Boswell, Mr D Hamilton, Mr P Hyde, Mrs J Jamieson, Mrs A Kofoed, Ms T Leibbrand, Mr J McKinnon, Mr B Millar, Mrs J Opperman, Mr C Roderick, Mr J Stevenson, Mr W Mitchell, Mr P Watts, Mr J Piper

Auckland Choral Foundation Mr R Blair, Ms M Hammond, Mr R Sorrenson, Mr W Mitchell, Ms M Millar

Management Committee Andrew Bolton, Rosemarie Brown, Olive Leddy (Deputy Chair), Sharron Meadows, Carolyn Middleton, Sylvia Rosevear, Richard Sorrenson (Chair), Jocelyn Rennie-Trezise, Jenny Walker

Music Director Uwe Grodd

Accompanist Edmond Wong

Secretary Anna Kofoed

Production & Marketing Manager Sam Girling

Treasurer Albert Wilson

Choir Manager Morag White

Correspondence Coordinator Angela Dorrington

Ticketing Sarah Cox

Librarian Ann Whitehouse

Almoner Jane Gee

Membership Secretary Colleen Elliot

Designer Sarah Healey

Marketing Intern Mikayla Morris

Auckland Choral Production and Marketing Manager

Production and Marketing Manager | Auckland Choral

PO Box 7228, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142

Phone: +64 9 358 2892  |  M: +64 27 403 1222

Email: admin@aucklandchoral.com